Windows 系统配置最佳实践 (全新安装或恢复系统后的设置项)

Windows 系统配置最佳实践 (全新安装或恢复系统后的设置项)

激活 (Windows7: SLIC 2.1 + 导入OEM密钥; windows 8 以上: KMS)
安装驱动 / Updates

禁用Guest帐号. (一般默认已禁用)

Control userpasswords2

控制面板 - Locale
將代碼頁(非Unicode程序語言)更改為Simplified Chinese
如果你不用國內軟件也可以不改或直接設為Japanese (推Galgame方便)

更改系统DPI设置为133% 或 150%
根据显示器PPI而定, 27寸2560*1440显示器推荐设为133%. 选中 "Use Windows XP style DPI scaling"复选框 (否则不支持DPI的旧程序全部强制整体放大, 看着都是模糊的).

控制面板电源模式设置为high performance



电源按钮功能设为do nothing
(高级电源设置里) 硬盘自动关闭 (hard disk turn off)时间设为1小时或更长.



额外步骤(Windows8 Only): (组策略) gpedit.msc,Computer Configuration--Windows Settings--Security Settings--Local Policies--Security Options--User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode(以管理员批准模式运行所有管理员)--设为Disabled

注: 右键菜单Run as Administrator, runas命令可以确保以管理员权限运行某些命令.

Windows7, 只在控制面板里禁用UAC滑块可以使大多数程序正确获取所需的admin权限. 但某些程序仍然需要手动 run as administrator (很少, 如导入密钥和证书用的slmgr)
windows8中还需要按上面更改控制面板, 否则即使关闭UAC程序默认也不是以admin权限运行.

关闭(禁用) Windows Firewall

关闭Windows Defender(windows8)

services.msc里停止和禁用Windows Defender服务


netsh int ipv6 set prefix 2002::/16 30 1

netsh int ipv6 set prefix 2001::/32 5 1


gpedit.msc / User Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Windows Explorer

Turn off the caching of thumbnails in hidden thumbs.db files 设为 Enabled


显示所有文件; 显示已知文件扩展名;不隐藏系统文件; 使用checkbox; 不使用简单文件共享 (Sharing Wizard); Details视图应用到所有文件夹
额外步骤(windows8): 选中"删除文件时要求确认"复选框

Machine generated alternative text: General] View [Search __________________________ Folder views You can apply the view (such as Details or Icons) that you are using for this folder to all folders of this type. j Apply to Folders j [ Reset Folders ] Advanced settings: :0: Show hidden files, folders, and drives a Hide empty drives in the Computer folder [] Hide extensions for known file types (j] Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) [] Launch folder windows in a separate process E1 Restore previous folder windows at logon Show drive letters [] Show encrypted or compressed NTFS files in color [j Show pop-up description for folder and desktop items [J Show preview handlers in preview pane Use check boxes to select items D Use Sharing Wizard (Recommended) Restore Defaufts [ 0k j [ Cancel j apply ]

取消windows explorer.html和文件夹的关联:

Managing pairs of Web pages and folders option, 选择"Show both parts and manage them individually"

windows8 folder options里取消了这个选项, 修改方法未知(组策略?).

隐藏资源管理器左边栏里的"Library"和"Home Group"

Hide Pre-Populated Items in Windows Explorer's Sidebar

隐藏资源管理器Sidebar里的LibraryHomegroup, 需要手工修改注册表(由于需要更改Permission, 无法用reg文件).
需要先更改ShellFolder的permission, 使adnministrators获得full control权限. (如果无法更改权限则先take over owner)

Double click on "Attributes" in the right hand pane and change the value from b084010c to b094010c.

The process for the other items is the same, except you use the following keys:
Libraries: change b080010d to b090010d in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{031E4825-7B94-4dc3-B131-E946B44C8DD5}\ShellFolder
Network: change b0040064 to b0940064 in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{F02C1A0D-BE21-4350-88B0-7367FC96EF3C}\ShellFolder
Favorites: change a0900100 to a9400100 in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{323CA680-C24D-4099-B94D-446DD2D7249E}\ShellFolder
修改后需要re-loginre-start explorer.exe ?

将任务栏资源管理器图标打开时的初始位置设为My Computer (默认为Library)
更改任务栏图标属性, 按住shift右击, 选择 properties. (需要关掉资源管理器所有实例)

将所有音频Playback设备默认format设为最大可用选项 (一般较新的板载集成声卡最高都能达到24bit, 192000Hz, 某些显示器HDMI 自带3.5音频输出最大是 24bit, 48000Hz)

关闭Windows默认共享 (重要)

导入注册表. (注意Windows 7/8 Windows 2008注册表项位置不同, 下面的reg同时适用桌面和服务器windows系统)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




Internet选项, 将本地LAN网络网段和127.0.0.1加入到Local Intranet, Local Intranet安全级别设为最低.

Machine generated alternative text: General Security Privacy Content Connections Programs Advanced Select a zone to view or change security settings. _ v扴 Internet ____________ trusted sites Restricted sites Local intranet . . . Sites L This zone is for all websites that are . found on your intranet. Security level for this zone Allowed levels for this zone: All Low - Minimal safeguards and warning prompts are provided - Most content is downloaded and run without prompts - All active content can run - Appropriate for sites that you absolutely trust D Enable Erotected Mode (requires restarting Internet Explorer) Custom level... Default level Reset all zones to default level OK Cancel Local intranet

Machine generated alternative text: You can add and remove websites from this zone. All websites in . this zone will use the zone抯 security settings. Add this website to the zone: Websites: 192.168.0. * [] Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone L Remove j Close



gpedit.msc, User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Attachment Manager. 权限设置

Default Risk Level for File Attachments: 设为Enabled, Low Risk

Do Not Preserve Zone Information in File Attachments: 设为Enabled

Notify Antivirus Programs When Opening Attachments 设为Disabled

Inclusion List for Low File Types: 设为Enabled, 值如下:


: 相关注册表项:

Action Center设置


Machine generated alternative text: ? Acti... Change Action Center set.. Search Control Panel Turn messages on or off For each se!ect cd item Window wil! check for problems and send you a message if problems are found. Security messages D Windows update Internet security settings Network firewall Microsoft account E Windows activation Maintenance messages E Windows Backup E Automatic Maintenance E Drive status D Device software D Startup apps Related settings Spyware and unwanted software protection E user Account Control Virus protection fl SmartScreen E Windows Troubleshooting E HomeGroup E File History E Storage Spaces Customer Experience Improvement Program settings Problem reporting settings Windows Update settings OK Cancel

禁用 Error Reporting (错误报告)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting]

隐藏Action Center图标

Right click on the Taskbar and select Properties.

Select Customize next to Notification Area.

Select Turn System Icons On or Off.

Turn Action Center Off.

Machine generated alternative text: Turn system icons on or off Turning off a system icon removes the icon and turns off notifications. System Icons Behaviors A r? clock On 113)) Volume On Network On 1? Power Off P? Action center Off j Input Indicator L0? J customize notification icons Restore default icon behaviors OK cancel


powercfg /hibernate off

意義不大, 每次休眠硬盤寫入量=內存大小, 正常使用不會影響SSD壽命.

安装资源管理器右键"take ownership"获取权限菜单 (导入reg)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Take Ownership"

@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F"

@="Take Ownership"

@="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F /t"
"IsolatedCommand"="cmd.exe /c takeown /f \"%1\" /r /d y && icacls \"%1\" /grant administrators:F /t"

更改键盘配置将Caps Lock键重映射为Ctrl键 (导入reg)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;need logoff and relogin
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,1d,00,3a,00,\

替换notepad为第三方文本编辑器, 如notepad++, 如下
(以下为Notepad++, 其它文本编辑器步骤不同)


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\notepad.exe]
"Debugger"="wscript \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Notepad++\\notepadpp.vbs\""

notepadpp.vbs: 放到notepad++程序所在目录

'put this in your notepad++ installation directory (typically C:Program Files (x86)Notepad++ in x64 windows)
Option Explicit
Dim sCmd, x, arg
sCmd = chr(34) & LeftB(WScript.ScriptFullName, LenB(WScript.ScriptFullName) _
- LenB(WScript.ScriptName)) _
& "notepad++.exe" & chr(34)
For x = 1 To WScript.Arguments.Count - 1
arg = arg & " " & WScript.Arguments( x )
if arg <> "" then
sCmd = sCmd & " " & chr(34) & trim(arg) & chr(34)
end if
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run sCmd, 1, False


A卡驱动CCC: (第一次安装驱动后设置一次即可, 升级驱动一般无需重新设置)

依次将每个显示器分辨率设为将640*480, 800*600, 1024*768, 1280*960 (常用的几个4:3老游戏分辨率), 对每个分辨率:


Actual Multiple Monitors: 多屏辅助, 比其它同类软件 (如UltraMon)好用
LUT Manager: 系统启动时自动加载屏幕校色文件
Extra Buttons: 在每个窗口title bar增加额外的功能按钮, 如always on top, transparency
HashTab: 在资源管理器文件属性对话框里增加一个"Hash" tab, 显示文件的各种hash码 (md5, sha1, crc32...)
Unlocker: 解锁被其它程序打开的文件
FastCopy: 快速拷贝或复制文件
StrokeIt: 全局鼠标手势软件
Puretext: 增加 Win + V 快捷键将剪贴板内容以纯文本方式paste
Ansi2Unicode: 使资源管理器右键"新建txt文件"命令创建的txt变为UTF-8编码; 编码转换软件中算比较好用的, 并且支持自动修改cue里的audio file为正确的扩展名
Xpadder: 将手柄按键映射为键盘或鼠标操作, 同时支持XInput和Direct Input
Auto Hot Key
Daemon Tools lite
App Locale
Locale Emulator

CCleaner: 系统清理
Ant Renamer: 批量重命名
MacType: Mac式的字体渲染, 我个人觉得不怎么好看
Mp3Tag: 批量修改 / 处理 mp3 / ogg等文件中的ID3 / APE等TAG.
Aegisub: 字幕编辑工具, 偶尔调下时间轴什么的很方便.
Process Explorer
Process Monitor

Google Pinyin IME
Google Japanese IME

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