Tag: 2014-10-ddwrt-shua-ji

Rt-N16 ddwrt 刷机

Rt-N16 ddwrt 刷机

目前 (2014.10) 的固件是 ddwrt K26 build svn19342, 计划升级 (现在的版本 ddwrt 跑了好几年了, 非常稳定, 不过我最经在折腾一些奇怪的东西, 2.6的内核玩不了). 考虑了下, 还是刷 ddwrt 好了. OpenWrt 貌似 brcm47xx 的 802.11n 驱动仍然不完善.

最新版 ddwrt 固件下载(官方build) ftp://ftp.dd-wrt.com/betas/2014/ . 根据设备型号, ROM大小, 架构类型等选择. ROM 必须大于固件大小. 8MB ROM的设备可以刷 mega, 32MB 或更多 ROM 的设备(如 RT-N16, RT-N66)可以刷 big (最大而全的版本, 20多MB)

(Asus Rt-N16 uses generic broadcom K26 build .TRX version is just for the initial flashing from the Asus firmware. after you get DD-WRT on it, use the non device specific version like Mini, Mega or Big.)
K26 build (broadcom_K26), 2.6内核, 32kb nvram, 可以使用 optware / optware2
K3 build (broadcom_K3X), 3.x 内核, 64kb nvram, 不能使用 optware / OTRW2. (更正: 初步的 optrw2 for 3.x kernel 已经可用. 参考) 支持 > 2tb usb硬盘. K3 的 big 版非常大(最新版 20多MB), mega版仍然是<8MB, 官方说明是: "thats the difference between big and mega. i just included everything possible in big but it will work only on 32mb flash devices." 无线速度比K26慢 (驱动问题?)(但根据 ddwrt developer KingKong 的说法, 新版的 K3 build 的无线网络性能已经过优化, 比 K2.6 好得多)

SWAP: Thus swap for K3 requires 22282 for K26 it is included in 22357.Once it is included in the kernel it automounts the swap and you don't have to do it by hand.
port forwarding is fixed in release beyond 19696 so no startup script is necessary now.

K3 r24461: 最新. 2014年6月23日发布. 有人报告不稳定有问题? 下载地址 (RT-N16 所用的 broadcom_K3X版).
r24160: works well seemly.
r22118: 早期, bug: Lan和Wireless的MAC变为一样了, 貌似没什么影响。

K2.6 Build: King Kong 2.6 build (it's 2.6 kernel based so no issues with experimental stuff or instability.) is recommended. 解决了ddwrt K26 官方 >18946 build OpenVPN 连接错误问题; 非常稳定; CPU占用低.
R22200: 下载地址(已失效, 需要迅雷离线). 推荐的版本. (or 21661M if you have problems with multiple users for FTP and/or Samba. Build 19545M can also be useful if you have multiple (bridged) routers, all running minidlna.)

RT-N16 特别说明:
对RT-N16, K3 build 的固件必须从已有的k26 (2.6 kernel)固件上开始先刷3.x 21530 (一个特别的 2.6->3.x 过渡boot固件, dd-wrt.v24-21530_NEWD-2_K3.x_big.bin, 17MB, 主要解决 RT-N16 32KB nvram 问题), 然后再刷最新版的3.x build (官网ftp下载). 刷完后 nvram 会自动扩展到 64KB (in 23204 and later the nvram got bumped up to 256K.). 具体步骤 (推荐):
0. 有人建议先刷"最新版" K26 build (21676)? (可跳过, 只要已有固件是 2.6 内核应该就行)
1. 在已有K26 build ddwrt 管理界面 reset the router (nvram)
2. 立即在同一界面开始刷 21530 (登录, 默认密码: admin. 不要改动任何设置), 升级时, 建议不要选择"reset to default" (第一步已经reset 过了)
3. 立即开始刷最新版的K3 build, 升级时, 不要选择"reset to default" (有人在这一步reset结果砖了)
4. * If the router boots, you will probably get the MAC address problem and no WAN address as mentioned. That happened to me. Try to manually reset your rt-n16 now to default from the Administration tab. Reboot and your rt-n16 should get an external MAC address and connect to the internet. No hacks, just works. So there is no need to change the command/startup page.

WPS 恢复模式 (万一刷挂了时候用)
You may directly flash the kingkong build from recovery mode (no previous DD-WRT firmware installation needed). Just remove power, press WPS button and keep pressing it while you connect power, wait till the power LED flashes rapidly, press Recover button while continuing to press WPS, then don't press WPS anymore but continue to press Recover till the power LED flashes slowly, then go to you computer, set a static IP, netmask and standard gateway and use Asus Recovery program or atftp with the following commands:
mode octet
put kingkong-nv32k-broadcom.bin
Wait 10 minutes and if needed remove then power for 10 seconds.

K3 降级 K2.6
Note, when switching from a K3 build to a K2 build, even though you choose to reset NVRAM, many K3 NVRAM parameters are not erased. The older K3 parameters will be reused when the K3 build is reinstalled. To fully clear the K3 nvram, issue the command “erase nvram" and “erase nvram_cfe" before installing K2. Note that running these two commands on a K3 build will soft brick the router requiring DD-WRT to be reflashed.

其它资料整理 (来自ddwrt 官方论坛用户帖子, 供参考)
Here is a list of the other builds I attempted which failed to work with RT-N16 (i.e. either there was no wireless or no internet at all or there was wireless but the ipad wouldn't recognize it):
RT-N16_3.0.0.4_376.44_0.trx (Merlin)
For the ipad issue, try disabling all three dnsmasq options I. The basic settings page.

Minimally 14929 is required. The best build would be Kong 22000++ or a K3.x if you need 64 kB NVRAM or USB hard disk greater than 2 TB.